Thursday, July 24, 2008

Butlerville Days

Greg & Ben going to buy tickets for all the activities.
Reesey watching the helicopters taking off.
Benjamin by the firetruck. He really didn't want to stand there, and he REALLY didn't want to see or talk to a fireman or policeman! (??)
Spiderman blow-up jumpy thing.
Greg said that Ben got to the top of this and took a flying leap, not realizing it was a 5 foot drop. Here is a closer shot of the same picture. Priceless.
Ben and Reesey. For some reason, it is like pulling teeth to get both kids to look at the camera at the same time. Why should that be so hard??


Leslie said...

I believe the translation of face of Reese's is: "That is SO COOL!" That's a classic shot! What a fun evening... Next year should be a world easier for her ~ can't wait to show you Ben's "Buzz Lightman" pictures!

sprmom said...

cute man bag greg tee hee!!

Mandi said...

We never made it up there yesterday. I really wanted to, but Trav's family was in town. Looks fun.