Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Size 6 - Ah Ya!

This is dumb ... but big for me. I just bought some pants and they are a size 6. I am so happy, I can hardly stand it. I know for some of you reading this, size 6 is huge, but for me it's awesome. This hard work is paying off, and I just had to share my moment of selfish joy. I wore size 5/6 in high school, but my body after a couple kids is a little different than it was back then. Silly how that works. I am also 7 pounds away from what I was the day I got married 10 years ago, so that is awesome for me. I will keep working and plugging along to get exactly where I want to be. You can do it too!

1 comment:

sprmom said...

Nat I am so proud of you, way to go.